
Fashion show 4

The fashion show and the dancers.

Fashion show 3

Performers on the show

Fashion show 2

Few more photos from backstage and from the show.


Fashion show

We were asked to take photos on the fashion show Ones Couture Black & White. The fashion event took place at the Zion Centre in Manchester (Hulme) on 23rd of November 2007. I have never been involved in that kind of event so it was quite exciting for me. I did enjoy myself, even though I was very tired. I spent about 8 hours on taking photos. I did have some problems. As I used my new camera, I didn’t really know how to use it, apart of the “auto” setting of course. I still did learn something. I was quite happy with few photos but I realised I had some problems with working with models. I felt a little bit shy and I think I am too reserved. That is why even if I had some ideas how the model should stand and pose, I didn’t really speak up. I have to change it because I could see myself working in the fashion industry in the future. These photos are from backstage.


I am a big fan of FWA- Favourite Website Awards. It is online from May 2000 and it received itself many awards. This English portal was made to recognise the best web designs. I always find there something interesting and inspiring. This is the link.

You project- presentation, part 2

This is the second part

You project- presentation, part 1

It was my second presentation and I was not happy with it. I did work hard but I was not given a chance to really present my work and myself. I was very upset after this experience. I supposed to talk but I felt like people didn’t listen to me and didn’t look at me. Then my grade was decided very quickly. I made a bag-looking object with images inside. Images were the most important but all what I heard it was that my bag looked too much like a bag. The images were very personal so without explanation their meaning was abstract but it didn’t feel like anybody wanted to hear what my work was about. That is why I decided to put these images here. I used in this project my lithography, sketches and photographs. Every object has got meaning. The idea was that bags are important, especially for women. I love bags and this work it is “my life in a bag”. I have sometimes in my bag things, which have meaning only for me, or things, which can say something about me only to people who know me. It does not happen very often that I am happy with works that I did myself but I was this time. However I did not feel that my work was appreciated.

You project

Our new project is called “You” and surprisingly it is about… who we are or who we are not. I started from self-portrait, just to “warm myself up”. I had few ideas. One of them was to use my signature, which in one way is anonymous but at the same time it is only me and nobody else who signs like this. Some psychologist can say a lot about a person’s writing. I had also idea to make an image representing my face but created from little photos and drawings. Each from these little images would symbolize an important for me thing, event or person. I wanted also show my life in numbers by creating a list of things I use during week or month. For example how many lipstick, tomatoes or pencils I use during certain period. Finally I decided to make a bag with images, which would symbolize important in my life people, events or things.

Giant woman leaflet

This time I found a leaflet using sketched image. I think it is funny and interesting. It is a simple drawing, just lines and black and white colour. Red colour is only used as a background for typography. The woman is presented from the worm’s eye view.

V Water advertisement

This is another advertisement I found in Internet. I think it is very nice animation. I really like sketched animation and this is one of them. I think the idea of advertising V Water in that way is really good, fresh and creative. The music is funky and suits the animation. I like the fact that the illustrator is involved in the story.

The Lowry and the Imperial War Museum North 3

And the third part

The Lowry and the Imperial War Museum North 2

This is the second part.

The Lowry and the Imperial War Museum North

During our first break in October, few people from my group and me decided to visit some galleries. We chose The Lowry and the Imperial War Museum North. I enjoy this trip even though I didn’t really pay attention to the exhibition. I finally bough my digital camera and I was testing it. There is the result of my experiments with Nikon D40X.

Urbis' leaflet 2

This is another Urbis leaflet. I like its fresh look and colours. I think it is a good idea to use a postcard format. It does catch our eyes and that it what it was made for, to draw us towards the information it contains.

Andy Goldsworthy in YSP

Andy Goldsworthy’s exhibition lasted from 31 of March 2007 till 6 of January 2008 in Yorkshire Sculpture Park. He made his recent big project to indicate Sculpture Park’s 30th anniversary.
The exhibition contained outdoor works, large rooms in the Underground Gallery and an installation at Longside Gallery. In the Bothy and Garden galleries the viewer could have found works from Andy Goldsworthy’s career. The Yorkshire Sculpture Park has got historical past and Andy Goldsworthy had made sculptures that connected with its landscape. The Underground Gallery presented very fragile, organic and biomorphic works. There is Stacked Oak, Stone Room, Clay Room, Wood Room and Leaf Stalk Room. Outside of the Underground Gallery, Andy Goldsworthy had decided to put Striding Arches, made from red sandstone. Outdoor exhibition included Shadow Stone Fold, Hanging Trees and Outclosure. The installation in Longside Gallery illustrated how animals and people had changed landscapes through the time.
Andy Goldsworthy’s works explored the subject of landscape, nature and time. The indoor exhibition was followed-up outside. All works seemed to be part of one big artwork. Andy Goldsworthy had created works that were closely connected with nature. They looked like part of nature, as nature itself was an artist.
In my opinion it was very good and important exhibition. I was very impressed by Andy Goldsworthy’s project, especially the Underground Gallery. I think it was interesting exhibition and I would recommend everybody, especially photographers, to visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I am looking forward to see Andy Goldsworthy’s next project.

German Ministry Wind Energy Advertisement

Some of the advertisements are really stupid and boring, but there are also some creative and inspiring adverts. Not everybody treats himself or herself so serious like the washing powder companies so there are also funny or ironic publicities. I check online every now and again if there is something new and interesting. There is a link to one of my favourites.

I found it funny and imaginative. I did not expect to see an advert about the wind as some kind of being, creature. It is like an interview with the wind. It made me laugh but also it made me thinking about the wind and its potential in different way and that is what the advertiser wanted, isn’t it? Apart of the wind having a human body (quite scary to be honest) and some personality, its behaviour is so lifelike. I am impressed with the advertisement.

the Yorkshire Sculpture Park 2

Some more photographs from the Yorkshire Scupture Park